Point Display Type

It would be very useful if Rhino allows you to change the representation of the points.
For example like in Autocad.


There are some options for points in the display mode properties

Its not as advanced as Autocad, that I agree. But for me this works fine.

I’m aware of these options, but I think their number should be increased. Also the size value should have relative and absolute options.

I’m a bit confused. Can you elaborate?

The size value we set in rhino varies according to the zoom value. When I zoom out too much, I have difficulty seeing other objects.


But with the option in autocad, we can keep the point size constant. Regardless of our distance to the object, the points remain at a constant size.


Thanks; I understand

More options in point styles I can understand.

But the absolute size I’m not sure how and why you would use thing.
I get then when you zoom out quite far way the it could get a bit cluttered because the points overlap. But I can also see situations that you would lose points because the absolute size is set to tiny (and yes you can always use _selPoint but lets keep it a visualy loose a point)

I’ve seen requests before for point sizes in model distances instead of pixels; particularly for things like point clouds.

Hi Steve,
Is there an update on this?

Also, maybe you have an opinion about a feature I asked for in the past?

I second this idea. Coming from Vectorworks (years ago) I missed the Loci functionality. Folding it into the Point command line options could be very useful.

Hi hesro -

This is currently on the 9.x list:
RH-83609 Add AutoCAD Point style

I guess the link is not public.

Also just because the issue has a release target of 9 doesn’t mean it is in any way promised to be in that version. The release target is used to help organize and group issues as we figure out what to try and take on next.