I seem to be having an issue visualizing point clouds where everything disappears at certain angles. It seems to be intermittent. Any fixes?
Video: Screen capture - 9b0fb3da43b2e3d036e2fdc680e874f4 - Gyazo
I was having the same problem with some of my large, 220M pts, pointclouds. It eventually went away after restarting Rhino a few times.
How many points are in your cloud? Did you import your cloud? If so what was the format of the data, XYZ, txt, e57?
Can you provide me a link to your cloud so I can try it on my system? I like XYZ or txt or CSV best but can work with e57 if required.
One other case in which this occurs is when Rhino decides there is too much data to show while rotating and it shows only its bounding box. But this is something you can usually see. Rhino has less tendency to do this if you rotate the cloud very slowly. But since it occurs only at certain angles perhaps this is not what is happening in your case
Attached are the point clouds.
PLY files. Clouds were imported.
PE_6_merged_Bottom.ply (2.2 MB) PE_6_merged_Front.ply (6.4 MB)
Will try saving and restarting next time.
Hello - if the Rhino ground plane is on in that display mode, try turning it off.
I imported both pointclouds and they rotate fine on my machine without disappearing at any angle.
These are very small pointclouds which present no data-volume problem to Rhino.
I think the problem must be as Pascal suggested. I tried turning on the ground plane but I could not get the effect you are seeing. But I have never used ground planes so this may not mean much. To turn on/off the ground plane, in the Command window type GroundPlane.
Ground plane was not on.
Even worse, things aren’t showing up in other viewports now
See new video: Screen capture - 2e7331a7f8c5b1a118bf76ac03f80a41 - Gyazo
The video shows the problem in the Perspective view just like your prior video. Does the video also show the problem in the other views? Are they blank even though you did a ZoomExtents in each window?
I imported the 2 clouds as PLY and see the problem in the perspective view. I then saved the 2 clouds to a .txt file in Points format and re-imported and did not see the problem. Here are the 2 .txt files for your pointclouds:
Top.txt (16.5 MB)
Bottom.txt (5.8 MB)
Import these and see if you have a viewing problem in the Perspective view (or others).
Apparently the viewing problem has something to due with the .PLY format.
Can you use the Import_PLY/Export_Points/ImportPoints procedure as a work around?
Here is a colored view of the shoe after is was scaled up 1000x to work with my coloring script: