As I explore Grasshopper I install additional plugins, often because I have downloaded an interesting .gh file that requires them. Some plugins introduce their own tabs so I can see what is what, others sprinkle components across the existing landscape.
Other than Load Locking, or uninstalling individual plugins, and seeing when a component disappears, is there any way to identify which plugin a component in a gh tab came from? (Even if it involves another plugin!)
If not, could this info become part of the “hover” display in a future release?
Thanks for that reminder - I can never remember that key combination. But it isn’t what I am looking for.
My wish is to be able to look at any component on a tab and see if it is a native GH component or a plugin component and, if the latter, to be able to determine which plugin it came with.
The information is obviously there, because if you open a .gh file with a component from a plugin you don’t have installed you are asked if you want to install it.
Yeah, I also don’t like that plugins place buttons in the native GH components’ tabs.
I always try not to use 3rd party plugins, but sometimes it is just quicker. And while looking for a appropriate component I click on stuff I don’t recognize, or search and find components with the same name.
Perhaps in addition to your request we can ask that when you search for a component the plugin is also mentioned there somehow.
`Perhaps in addition to your request we can ask that when you search for a component the plugin is also mentioned there somehow."
There was a discussion with David to add a search key that would make search only find native components. Can’t find the topic, but was something like searching with *component name would only result in native results. Similar how currently searching with #component will result in “old” outdated components that dont show in tabs anymore.