I would vote for fixing the SafeFrame to respect portraitmode and resolutions higher than the monitor is running. You just need the aspect ratio to be correct and we have no need other options than the “Live Action” to be the default.
Second: We need to have the Embedded and Linked options for Blocks WORKING. It has not worked in Rhino 7 SR1-34 or Rhino 8 SR1-2 CRITICAL, since you can’t export meaningfull CSV-files with block name and count when the blocknames are altered by Rhino and not consistent.
Reshaping floating Toolbars in Rhino 8 and using the Size to Content option should work as in Rhino 7 (and before). It is awfull in Rhino 8 and a clear regression from Rhino 5/6/7 which all respected the users prefered “shape” of the Toolbars (wide/tall/compact/3rows).
Finally: Importing from 3DM-file… of Layouts should ONLY import Layouts and not also blocks and Light-objects.
I agree with this one. Exporting CSVs is one of the only way to make meaniful BOM lists.
This one here I disagree, If the block definition is set to the Layout space, it should bring the block as it is now, since that is how we deal with drawing templates in Rhino. If this is implemented, it should be togglable
The issue I describe is a BUG which currently in 7/8 also import blocks (and LightObjects) from the ModelSpace which screws up the entire idea of importing a Lauout from a different 3DM.