PIPE does not work above a certain diameter

PIPE does not work above a certain diameter.
I would like to make a pipe around d=3mm. It does not work even with smaller diameter. If this cannot be done with pipe, is there any other free form surface stuff which can be used to achieve that?


maybe multi-pipe, although im not sure if it creates the sharp turns at those curve kinks.

The two to halves of the curve is just the mirror geometry of each other. In light of this it is really strange that the PIPE behaves is differently sometimes on side than on the other.

multipipe ghaves better, however it creates subd and I need brep.

subd can be converted to brep
i think command is just “tonurbs”

Is it a grasshopper stuff? I cant find it.

oh sorry
i think it’ll have to be baked first
there’s probably a way to convert it in the rhinocommon api you can put in GH