This might be a small issue, but I can’t seem to find anything explaining why this happens, and also I can’t find a pattern as to when it happens. But sometimes when I try to pipe a curve it creates these weirds twists / knots. Why does this happen? Sometimes I can get rid of simply by exploding the curve and re-joining it… but it just seems so weird to me. Can someone help?
your curves with which you create the pipes have different directions.
Sounds logical - how do I change directions of these curves?
I can’t make accurate suggestions without the file, but you can try rotating the circle sections about their axes and monitor the result.
Tallerken_Holder_4.3dm (3.0 MB)
Here’s the file - can you access it? Im not sure what you mean by rotating the circle sections… sorry
I’ve got Rhino 5… do you think that’s where the problem is? How strange. But that’s the thing… I think it’s weird that I can just explode the pipe, and then re-join it and the twists are gone (sometimes)…. maybe it’s a bug in rhino 5?
Hi @pascal,
Do you know if this is a known bug in Rhino5?
Hello - in V5, run SimplifyCrv
on the path curve before piping… seems to sort it out.
Thank you - I’ll try that out. Thank you for your help!
It worked perfectly! Thank you