Perlin Simplex noise for Grasshopper on mac

I downloaded this file for Rhino 5 WIP Mac, placed in it the components folder, however it doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas how i could get it working or create alternative ways of creating noise textures?

I think this should work. I am not sure which instructions should be followed in order to load this, though.

@curtisw might be able to help more.


Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

Tested and working.

You need to

  1. Add the gha to the GH Components folder (/Users/**username**/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/MacPlugIns/Grasshopper/Libraries)
  2. Start Rhino
  3. Start GH.
  4. Find the components in Maths > Noise (13.1 KB) Definition also relies on @piac’s Weaverbird components.


Hmm i tried what u said, somehow it doesn’t work for me.

What you’ve added to the libraries is a .gh definition file. The .gh file I posted is an example definition. You need to add the .gha, grasshopper assembly. On the food4rhino page there are two downloads.

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