I’ve been meaning to comment on this but didn’t make a screen grab before now…
Once in a while, when shifting between applications and coming back to Rhino, the display is more like an illustration than a rendering - i.e. more like a Penguin output than what is possible with a current display mode.
While doing something with Grasshopper just now, I did take a screen grab but it’s NOT related to anything with Grasshopper.
At any rate, I’m wondering if this is something that is somehow available ‘under the hood’ or just some Windows error and if it’s under the hood, what would it take to make this accessible to the user.
Hi Wim - wow, I’ve never seen nor heard of, that I can recall, anything like this - My baseless speculation of the moment is that there is some utility running in Windows or some kind of screen sharing thing is getting in the way? I see somewhat ‘posterized’ display from remote screens on TeamViewer, but not to this extent.
No. Just plain local Win7. Just switching between applications. When Rhino receives focus again, the display is cartoon-ish. Simply moving in the viewport makes it normal again. I’ll try to capture more screenshots later.
No high hopes for getting this as a display mode in the short term then
Hm, that reminds me of the trouble I had on my old GeForce 260 when Rhino5 was in beta. It made banding like that on all kinds of stuff and that’s when I first bought the AMD FirePro v7900 and then the Quadro 4000 (because the v7900 had ugly AA …ah those were the good old times! ) If I remember correctly Jeff managed later on to make a patch that fixed rhino so it worked fine on the 260.
So it can be graphic card and driver related. Which also makes sense since you are talking about shifting applications. I guess @jeff might be able to help you out if you provide some hardware data by typing in SystemInfo and paste the output here.
Does it happen when you shift between another app that uses the graphic card for 3D stuff, or can it also happen if you shift between Rhino and Word or a net browser?
+1 for a penguin style display mode thought! I would love that too!
Are you by chance holding down the TAB key when rotating your view?
There is a little backdoor Easter egg in V6 atm that if you hold down the TAB key while manipulating the view, the NPR shading algorithm is used…but releasing the TAB and jogging the view should go back to standard shading… I’ll take it out in the next service release if it’s becoming an issue…
How appropriate - seasons greetings to you too!
And this is just great - instant NPR on demand.
I probably got into that shading mode by AltTAB'ing between applications.
And, yes, just jogging the view gets it back to standard shading. Just leave it in!
It does work in Rendered mode… but it only works with standard light sources… the skylight has no direction to it… The NPR algorithm requires a source and direction in order to compute the highlighted sections. I could force a light (i.e. A headlamp), but where’s the fun in that?
If you turn the Sun on (or just add a directional light)…Then you can continue to use the Skylight as well…but you’ll most likely need to crank the intensity way down on the skylight…
Or even better…(This one takes a bit more work though…)
With just the Skylight ON…
Use TestShowShadowMap to get the Skylight shadows showing…
Capture the shadow map.
Turn OFF the shadow map by running TestShowShadowMap again
Turn OFF the Skylight
Capture the frame again holding the TAB key down
Now using something like PhotoShop, use the two captured images and just multiply them together using image arithmetic.
Well there’s this one…but unfortunately it sounds like it doesn’t work for you (yet) due to the z-buffer issue :(…
But if you grab large view captures of both the shadow map and depth map (z-buffer)…and multiply those together…you can get some pretty interesting results.
Nice! With that test command one can quickly create “elements” to put together for Cast Shadows, AO, Depth and color and compose as-needed in Photoshop. I think it should be doable to automate getting all of them at once.
I owe you some sample files that fail with ZDepth hi-res capture… on my list. I will follow up in the proper thread.
I love this! And it would be awsome with a «render» stack option where users could capture different modes to layers and add them together and tweak like that.
NPR is greater than realism for lot’s of situations!
(Btw I am at the cabin for easter, so there will br little online activity from me)