Few questions about pbr materials.
In max normal and roughness maps are treated as data as they are not really image textures
When bringing in a normal map into a pbr material why is alpha checked and filtering checked by default shouldn’t these not be checked?
Also Should I enable filtering or uncheck that and should I check treat as linear?
Should not normal maps be set to 100% ?
Why does the normal slot map have B/N or bump normal? Isn’t a bump map a generic image file while normal maps supply discreet data about a particular model or different data? Wouldn’t these two types need different slots?
See this video for the options for normal and roughness maps in pbr in Max, around time around18:18 for normal maps and what goes wrong when treated as generic bump maps.
Thanks for any clarifications. Things seem to be working just want to make sure I have the optimum settings for PBR.
Normal maps are treated as just data. filtering and alpha channels will be ignored in at least Rhino Render and Raytraced.
The normal slot has both bump and normal in one. You drop either a bump map (grayscale) or normal map. Rhino will understand which you put in there. It isn’t really necessary to have two separate slots, since you generally use one or the other, but not both.
I thought rhino was behaving correctly just wanted to make sure with the plethora of settings available.
One small funny thing I ran into was creating a brass screw fastener which I exported as obj at 575Kb. I brought into 3dcoat and texture painted then exported as obj file with pbr textures from their paint room turned into 59 megs worth of texture maps when reimported into rhino and looked great. I know I can rescale the textures but it was amusing to see this file bloat when we start using 2k maps on everything not to mention 4k.
Thanks for your reply and help,
Creating huge textures does that… A 2k texture is four times the size of a 1k texture. A 4k texture is four times the size of a 2k texture. And so on… You can see easily how space demand explodes with doubling width and height.
When an object is part of a larger scene it is very important to consider the size of its textures. If it ends up occupying just a minute portion of the final render you should the smallest possible texture that still gives you the fidelity you’re after. If it is in full close-up then you obviously use the largest texture resolution you can fit into your hardware