Paving Kit Attractors not working on a trimmed surface

Hi @chrislandau ,

I’m trying to test a patch area with the attractor component in paving kit, it’s not working. I try cuves, I try points but I can’t control it. It seems to do what it wants. OR I don’t understand it properly. I’m using your example files to perform the test so I know the setup is as you would have it setup.

Any thoughts?

Thank you!!

Hi Scott!

I work with Chris and provide a lot of the Land Kit support. It is a bit hard to tell just from this image. Would you be willing to attach your rhino and gh script you are using?

If not, I can try to give you some things to test to get you back on track!

Yeah better if I don’t attach things.

I replaced all the nodes in the event the nodes were old, because I did originally find some different ones that were old in the example script. It didn’t seem to be the problem.

If you have some debugging methods that could help me now, and other users in the community in future if you could post them here? I’ll give them a test tomorrow and see if they work.

Thanks @bensummay

Okay, we in the absence of a file, try the following methods. Keep in mind, some of them are really simple but if we cannot see the file then we need to make sure we cover everything.

  1. double check your input naming for pulling attractors into your script is correct. I noticed the geometry pipeline component is only pulling in points according to you first image. The name and formatting of the geometry pipeline layer name is important.

  2. make sure the geometry you are using is near the paving area. This means not just in the X and Y planes but also on the Z plane. If your attractor geometry is way up above it below the packing area then it can be too far to function properly.

If neither of these methods work then it’ll be very difficult to troubleshoot the issue without seeing at least the grasshopper script. Can you save a copy of that under a different file name to maintain privacy and share it?

If not, my last request would be to join our Office Hours on Tuesday morning at 7am (EST) or on Wednesday at 1pm (EST). You can find a Zoom link for those times on our website, These are free 1-hour Zoom sessions to get help with anything Land Kit related.

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I’ve added office hours to my meeting schedule so we can discuss it together. I tried the script on a basic test file and had mixed results.

It looks like you are converting your pavers to Breps in the end of your script? I do not know why that would cause the issue, but try converting the polylines to meshes instead using the Brep Mesh component.

I just wanted to update the post with other issues and solutions I found as I dug into paving kit.

  1. The attractor doesn’t like curves in polylines for attractors like so run it through an explode curve component before you feed into the attractor component.

  2. POB can create weird issues with the output, make sure it’s within the area of the pavers if you haven’t glitch-type errors

  3. Using the Mesh component to turn poly.

I hope that helps those of you getting into Land Kit!

I was having errors, odd errors and @bensummay told me to check how far my CAD Was from the 0,0. I’m working on a share coordinates cad file so it’s 2000Kms from 0,0 so I moved it to the 0,0 and the errors and crashing stopped.

Ben explained this is a general issue with Rhino and GH so I’ll have to work out a workflow to easily modify the location and return it back to the original location when done. Not today’s problem.