Hello! I am working on a process to fit a regular triangulated mesh into a boundary curve. I was hoping Kangaroo could help me shrink the mesh geometry and fit along this curved region. The reason why I made the triangulated mesh from the curve’s bounding rectangle was that I wanted to have a simpler edge loop topology, but I ended up having a very strange result. Besides, I also have 2 inner curves and I was hoping if I would be able to automatically select any part of the edge loop vertices to fit onto these guide curves?
So in short, my questions are:
1. Is it possible to use a bounding mesh and fit it back into an enclosed curve?
2. How can I better the mesh topology by fitting some edge loop parts onto the inner guiding curves?
Hello Martin, I did try TriRemesh, however, the thing is that the vertices are sort of in an irregular pattern, I hoped to just let each vertex have 6 sides which equals 3 edge loops in different directions.
Hi Daniel, I was wondering if it would be possible that you could let me know your way of simplifying the “s” curve into polylines fitting to the mesh edge topology?
I used your previous script to produce a very ideal result for my curve, but I mannually drew the bounding polygonal by referencing the mesh edges in rhino. I was wondering whether there could be ways for gh to help me produce a similar or even better polygon? dot distribute_irregular curved region.gh (44.2 KB)
I tried to use Convex Hull from gh, but it seemed like it would ignore the concave angles as shown from my mannually drawn polylines. I was wondering if you could let me know how you used gh to create the polyline to approximate the “s” shape?