Pasting sluggish? Did anybody else notice this?


Has anybody else noticed that pasting geometry is kinda sluggish?

I’m not talking about heavy geometry, but even simple stuff like a rectangle/curve feels like an important operation. Don’t get me wrong Rhino is not crashing, but there is a noticeable lag of about just under a second.

What I do is copy with CMD + C - which seems totally fine -, but pasting with CMD + V behaves slowish.
I’ve also notived that the Tools menu gets highlighted each time. I guess Paste from Clipboard is called.

Did anybody else notice this?

I’m currently using 7.2.21012.17002.

Here’s a video:

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I think they know about this and it is being worked on…

I believe this is fixed in SR3 RC1:

OK, thanks.

I understand it. Thanks for explaining

it’s still going on here, as well as undo lag

Hi @kleerkoat,
Which version is this in?


Hello - see if getting the most recent 7.3 release candidate fixes that - there should be one from yesterday.


Undo is also sluggish.

Is this still sluggish in the recent Rhino 7.3 update? Please let us know if you’re still experiencing the bug after you’ve updated.

Hi @dan,

Copy/Pasting seems fine! I don’t notice a lag any more, even for a number (~15) of selected and copied n.u.r.b.s. geometries. Thanks.

As for Undo, I hadn’t noticed sluggishness in version 7.2. I guess it’s hard to tell, since undoing heavy operations (i.e. many booleans) naturally takes longer than resetting a point to its previous position. I honestly don’t know.

Since yesterday, I’m using Rhino 7.4 though.