Has anybody else noticed that pasting geometry is kinda sluggish?
I’m not talking about heavy geometry, but even simple stuff like a rectangle/curve feels like an important operation. Don’t get me wrong Rhino is not crashing, but there is a noticeable lag of about just under a second.
What I do is copy with CMD + C - which seems totally fine -, but pasting with CMD + V behaves slowish.
I’ve also notived that the Tools menu gets highlighted each time. I guess Paste from Clipboard is called.
Copy/Pasting seems fine! I don’t notice a lag any more, even for a number (~15) of selected and copied n.u.r.b.s. geometries. Thanks.
As for Undo, I hadn’t noticed sluggishness in version 7.2. I guess it’s hard to tell, since undoing heavy operations (i.e. many booleans) naturally takes longer than resetting a point to its previous position. I honestly don’t know.