Hey Guys,
I found this vase for climbing plants online and would love to build it in grasshopper to be able to 3D print it afterwards.
But unfortunately I have no idea where to start there, does anyone have an idea?
Thank you very much!!!
Hey Guys,
I found this vase for climbing plants online and would love to build it in grasshopper to be able to 3D print it afterwards.
But unfortunately I have no idea where to start there, does anyone have an idea?
Thank you very much!!!
Mesh manipulation in GH V0.gh (85.2 KB)
Really no need to be this complicated, just do it in mesh tool, like Blender.
Mesh strategy for holed vase.gh (29.7 KB)
Very fun challange! So far I have had some luck using meshes and tsplines to create the topology, see my .gh file. I am not yet satisfied with the surface quality though, so I am trying to figure out how to create this using nurbs.
Is this at all close to what you are looking for?
It is actually a Closed Brep that I made in GH 8 with stock components. As such it has sharp corners & crevasses, so I smoothed these (sort of) with my first attempt at using Trimesh. Iām sure there are ways to improve this result if you think it might work for you.