Hi Dr. Bauer,
I am trying to run a parametric truss analysis and am getting an error upon running.
“NodeLoad of ID 17 does not exist!”
Any ideas on how to fix this error? I imagine it’s a simple fix, but I can’t seem to figure it out!
Thank you so much for developing and working on this amazing tool, AND for spending time in support!
Nicolas Ramirez
Mill Creek Truss Design.3dm (177.0 KB)
Parametric Mill Creek truss.gh (29.0 KB)
the load type is wrong. You can just choose within the provided values. “Live + Dead” is wrong. This input only describes the behavior of the load projection.
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Anna, thank you so much for the information and quick fix! I had no idea and would never have fixed it on my own. I understand the function using a value list input now.
Thanks again for your amazing work
Hi Anna,
Back at the questions again…
I am no longer getting errors but the results don’t display when selecting them! (Deformed Model and 1D Results)
I have the ValueList with outputs checked.
I have also tried saving the model and script in a path with no spaces.
Mill Creek Truss Design.3dm (176.2 KB)
Parametric Mill Creek truss.gh (29.8 KB)
Any ideas?
Thank you
There are also curves with length zero. Kiwi can not handle them and you have to remove them from the curve lists.