Hello everyone,
I have a problem in my sweep1 function to create a horizontal construction around my flooring in the script. The panels show that certain sweeps are missing, but i can´t find where the problem is located. The panels on the previous components seem fine.
I hope that anyone can help me.
TEST DNA HELIX9.gh (146.0 KB)
Continuing the discussion from Panelling problems with sweep1:
I strongly dislike sweeps, I tested the seams of curves and domains, but I couldn’t find a solution quickly enough, so I did what you need another way.
Please shorten you file to the minimum needed to illustrate your problem for next times.
TEST DNA HELIX_short.gh (47.7 KB)
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thank you very much for your response and help! Your suggestion helped me with the asked question and another problem I was facing just now.
Thanks for the tip about shortening.
I used an approach similar to @antoinemaes - when Sweep fails, try something else!
I also added the yellow group to eliminate the list of paths you were using. Instead, lines are culled based on their DProd (Dot Product) value with ‘Z’.
TEST DNA HELIX9_2022Oct20a.gh (140.1 KB)
I recommend that you disable and/or delete unused components rather than just disable preview. And drop Bifocals, it just clutters the canvas.