Paneling curved surface

Hi, I’m trying to apply interlocking blocks developed on the plane (originating from tetrahedra) on a double-curved surface, like a paraboloid, while keeping the surfaces of each block flat. Any help? Thanks

Sporph is a good way to achieve it,

No I want to keep the geometry of the blocks planar, not curved. A kind of discretization of the curved surface while maintaining interlocking.In the image the geometry bends or am I wrong?

The option Rigid will help you to achieve it.

BTW, could you share your 3dm and GH file?

if you want to have planar Surfaces you have to bring the single connecting surfaces to the curved surface and build the blocks again in 3d.
my guess: it is not possible if the Top / Button Surface-Pattern should also have planar surfaces only - you need to accept steps here


bring those Surfaces (green and blue) to the curved surface as “rigid”
reconstruct the volume of the tetrahedron.
But you will lose the connectionpoints at (x) or even get unwanted intersections there.

looking forward to see your attempts - looks like a nice challenge - maybe wtih some constraints / limitation for the curved surface, there might be a nice solution.

search for “hebelstabwerk” (did not find a great translation “lever rod mechanism” )