Pan vertically in Two Point Perspective

Why is not possible to tilt the camera vertically in Two Point Perspective mode? Am I missing something?

good question, the shortcut for tilting with alt shift also has no effect. i dont see anything that could limit this function since it would be just rotating the 2 vanishing points, is that something you need often or what is your purpose for this if i may ask?

As I work in the archviz industry, yes its kind of vital command that is missing. I installed a small python script called DIG_TwoPointPerspectiveNavigation that allows to tilt vertically the camera but still, it seems a useless limit…

Hi -

We have the feature request on the list as RH-32178 Two Point Perspective Views - changing and setting suggestions.

thanks Wim, I hope there will be some development regarding this topic in the near future.