RotateCamera, move camera vertical in 2PP

As a prolific user of 2 Point Perspective I’ve found frustrating the impossibility of moving the camera vertically… I usually need to “show camera” and then moving manually the target vertically (which is very laggy btw)…
Am I missing something? A quicker/easier method?

To change the camera Z location you can use Ctrl+up or Ctrl+down

i’ve tried in the viewport while in 2pp mode, not working…

Something may be wrong with your Rhino? I am not sure

should i select something before the Ctrl+up /down command? Could you describe the procedure?

select nothing and press Ctrl + arrow up/down

Correct, 2PP mode in Rhino has some limitations.
You can try this tool to manage it better:



it works perfectly…
Still, what a shame this cannot be done directly from Rhino…
