I am trying to use Quad Remesh on a fairly simple input mesh, but I am getting undesired overlapping mesh faces near one of the corners. The images show (top) the input mesh and (bottom) the quad remesh at the bottom tip, with the original mesh offset to the left. The quad mesh faces are overlapping and, in some cases, twisted like a flattened hourglass. Playing around with the meshing parameters does not seem to remove this weird result, except if I reduce the number of faces. The example geometry is embedded in the attached grasshopper script.
Is this a bug or is there a way to get a clean mesh here? I am looking to get a nice high density mesh for use with butterfly studies and the quad remesh algorithm otherwise does a great job at that.
I think quadremesh turns the existing mesh to quad mesh, but you had a sharp edge on the side so it is having hard time to figure out the topology near the end. Maybe quadremesh isnt the best tool for this? Does it has to start with a mesh? Maybe you can use guiding curves to patch a surface instead and mesh it afterwards?
The initial mesh is from an existing surface. I generated that mesh for a QuadRemesh input because the Grasshopper QuadRemesh appears to first generate a very coarse mesh before doing the remeshing process if a surface/brep is used directly as an input, resulting in a high resolution mesh that does not match the original surface. Here is an example:
That behavior does not occur if using the Rhino QuadRemesh dialog, just in the Grasshopper QuadRemesh workflow. However, that issue was not relevant to the weird remesh result at the tip of the original surface, and I would hope there is a way to get a clean remesh given a fairly simple starting mesh.
The use case here is to generate a fairly regular, high-resolution grid of points on the surface to use for Kangaroo physics studies, not an attempt to get an extremely accurate representation of the original surface. I have workarounds, but I thought this was a strange enough behavior that I would share it here (and it would be nice to be able to generate a Kangaroo grid this way!).