Overlapping Detail Views gets clipped on Layouts

Hi all,
something has changed on latest release of Rhino 7 to how overlapping detail view are shown on screen:
Foremost detail view clips display of detail view below. This happens only on screen, PDF is still fine.

Please see attached screenshots:

Yes, we just discovered this and it is a critical bug we need to fix right away. Sorry about any inconvenience. I can send you a link to an older version if Rhino 7 if you need to roll back until we have this fixed

Hi Steve,
a link to an older release of Rhino could be great,

Just tested on my laptop which is running
Version 7 SR12
(7.12.21285.17001, 2021-10-12)
No issue here about clipped detailviews

issue is on
Version 7 SR12
(7.12.21292.5001, 2021-10-19)