Overcome the use of "Data recorder" component

Hi All

I’m trying to edit a Gh definition for a dental application to be usable on ShapeDiver. Originally the workflow was based on using Gh as the control panel and Rhino as the visualizer and database (all the modified geometries and info were backed on Rhino step by step during the workflow).
I found a way to convert the workflow into something that could work only by staying on Grasshopper but it is based on a large use of the “Data recorder” component and I discovered that it is not supported at the moment by ShapeDiver. Are there any third-party supported plugins with the same function as a “Data recorder”?
Basically, I want to give the end user only 6 “number sliders” plus one “value list”. The final output will be a text file with the same number of strings of the “value list” and any string will be composed of the values of the “number sliders” modified time by time.
I share the relevant part of the Gh definition in order to be more clear.

Thanks in advance

BRK_Sim-mod_3.00_SHAPE_test5.gh (17.9 KB)

Every time a request is sent to the ShapeDiver servers, you have to assume a blank state: each request might reach a completely different servers, therefore recording data between several compute calls does not make sense in this context. If you need to record and store the state of a configuration process, this needs to be done on the side of your web application.
I am not sure I fully understand your use case but it should be rather straightforward, depending on the frontend interface that you are developing, to send the list of strings that your users have selected as a json object for example, which you can process and use in your Grasshopper definition.