Hey guys so I just recently bought and downloaded Rhino 6. I’ve been trying to use it but my Osnaps are not working at all. To show whats happening ive linked a video. (sorry the video is quite bad) I have all the osnap setting checked and still wont work. I’ve also looked up this problem and found other post on this forum about it with people saying to change the pixel radius which I’ve tried. I can see anything that will work, this is really frustrating as I was really looking forward to learning rhino but this is almost making it unusable in my opinion…
Hello - it is hard to see what is going on - can you make a line and then start a new line with End osnap on and snap to the end of the existing line? Does that much work?
Hi Pascal, thanks for the reply. Just tried again and its still not working. Cant get a new line to snap to the end of any lines. I’ve tried uninstalling and installing again. Have also tried repairing rhino and nothing has worked.
I had the problem with Osnap not snapping in Rhino 7 until it occurred to me that my computer was not calculating to within 0.001 mm. My fix was to change: -
Tools | Options | Units | Model | Units and Tolerance | Absolute tolerance from 0.001 mm to 0.1 mm. So the critical Absolute tolerance on my computer is between 0.1 and 0.001.
I hope this may save someone some time.
Re-reading the conversation, I previously missed Pascal’s solution. It certainly works for me now. Since the points were originally not becoming coincident it seemed to me to be a mathematical feature rather than a graphical one . . .
Osnaps are independent of the absolute tolerance setting. Osnaps do depend on the Snap Radius which has units of pixels and is set in Options > Rhino Options > Modeling Aids.
The same happened to me in Rhino 7. I did not check the “Only snap to selected objects” either but found it checked. Also the option: “Center Snap to approximate arcs, circles and ellipses” is un-checked. Is it adventurous to have this this checked ?
I have imported an object file in rhinoceros (in a large-milimeters file) and my Osnap has not been working. When I draw a new line or box, Osnap is working on these newly created objects. Just not on the imported ones. I have tried varying the absolute tolerance (tried 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000), Osnap still does not work. Also tried varying the Rhino options for object snaps.
I am using Rhinoceros for my thesis and have not been using it for quite a while. So it might also be a ‘simple solution’ that I am overlooking.