Osnap Bug in Rhino8 - Snapping to objects I can't see

In Rhino8 when working in shaded mode I am able to snap to objects that are hidden behind other objects. It doesn’t work perfectly for the objects behind, but every so often something will highlight.

It happens more often and more precisely in my bigger files with lots of detail.

OsnapBug_v01.3dm (154.7 KB)

Hello- the SnapToOccluded command should help here. Also a setting for the same thing in Options > Modeling aids page.

Does that do it?


Thank you, but unfortunately that didn’t help.

Hi Devin -

Thanks, I’m seeing that here → RH-82190 OSnap: Snapping to Occluded

RH-82190 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 8 Release Candidate

Hi Brian,

Sadly, this isn’t fixed for me.

I’m running the latest version.

candidate not release

RH-82190 is also fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 8