I would like the Geo to rotate along the curve, i.e. always sit orthogonally on the curve.
My attempts have so far always failed.
Help would be nice
Array_param.gh (10.5 KB)
I would like the Geo to rotate along the curve, i.e. always sit orthogonally on the curve.
My attempts have so far always failed.
Help would be nice
Could you attach your Rhino file, or internalize your Brep and Curve.
I think you are looking for Perp Frame
Hey, here is my
GH_Wall.3dm (240.1 KB)
Rhino File
i tryed it with the pframe component, but i didnt work.
There we go.
You could avoid calculating the local plane of the beam if you reposition it at the origin, along a world plane, in Rhino.
Also, are you sure you want beams to be unequally spaced ? If not, you are probably in the need of Divide Curve
Array_param.gh (7.5 KB)
It Works Perfect, thank you. I would never have go this way, but it makes sense.
Yes i need them in unequally spaced.
As said above, you can save a lot of components if you reposition your reference element in Rhino (which is generally a good habit - you can use Orient3Pt command to do that).
In your first example you plugged the output of Evaluate Length, which is a Point, to the input of Orient, which requires a Plane. So Grasshopper converts your point to a plane, and this happens to be the XY plane moved to that new origin. There is no information about the curve there, hence the need for Perp Frame.