Organic tree installation structure

Hi all, I am learning and trying to recreate such structure in grasshopper, but failing to actually understand the pseudocode, please help me with the basics, I am a bit experienced so could catch up soon on your suggestions. Help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

BOID library | Food4Rhino


I don’t see any pseudo code !!

Here’s my advice, note that with my solution you wont get an exact replica of this but the concept stays the same.

1 - set the base of the tree as one closed curve
2 - use kangaroo simulation to pack the the base with circles (its available natively in gh)
3 - now that you have alot small circles, each circle becomes a branch extruded outward, however depending on your liking you may want to randomly cull some of these circles
4 - now you have to use coding to loop a set of instructions, I guess python and c# both work use the one you like, for each circle you get the center of area then from that point you have randomly generate 3 numbers, these three number are each a component of a 3d vector (x,y,z) note that the z always has to be a positive number and bigger than the absolute value of x and y by a factor (this factor you have fine tune yourself to get your desired output, it determines the ratio of height to width of the tree)
5- once the vector is made you move the center point of the circle by the vector
6- repeat creating the vector and moving the center point n amount of times and each time you have to add the moved point to a list
7- once you have desired number of points you use all of them to make a nurbs curve
8 - then the circle is extruded along the nurbs curve there for creating one branch
9 - repeat these steps to create the remaining branches

note: since the vector is made using random values nothing is holding back the branches to intersect, theres 2 solutions

1 - very computationally expensive, each time the vector is made, a line is create using last used point and the vector (the vector provides both length and direction), using the line you will test if it intersect any previously made branches, theres a native component for that, if it does, then the vector is re-generated

2- the previously made branches act like a magnet pushing away points closer than (raduis of the branch) idk how the math works but theres also a bunch of magnet components native in grasshopper

Another advice will be to try find a tutorial on something close to this made with houdini then try to recreate it using the same logic inside grasshopper

It almost looks like the image AND the text are both AI generated.


step 1 - learn the basics of Grasshopper
step 2 - show what you are trying to achieve, by getting there part of the way, showing examples, etc.
step 3 - write on the forum and get people to help

and as David Rutten put it so nicely on the old forum many years ago: