Hello everyone, I often use options export to save my heavily modified user interface. I have specific arrangements for tool containers and a big Popup menu.
I notice that importing the saved options data often just doesn’t work. Since I do it in the same firmware version there should’t be any compatabilty issues.
While the options export takes a moment to complete (rhino is unusable for ~1min), the import doesnt actually update my preferences and does not consume any compute. The command just doesnt do anything.
Btw I’m on the newest version but have noticed this since rhino 7.
Any ideas what could be wrong?
Hi Felix -
Can you post the .ini file that you have exported? Also, which setting isn’t imported when you use the OptionsImport
Hi Wim,
thank you for reaching out.
Some of my custom arranged tool containers are not being saved, but most notably my mouse Popup isnt saved.
This is my current Popup menu and the according ini file:
240928_RH8.ini (188.0 KB)
And this is an updated popup menu and their file:
240928_Update_RH8.ini (188.0 KB)
Hi Felix -
doesn’t export toolbars. For the MMB popup, it only exports the settings of the middle mouse button, not the toolbars that this points to.
In this case, your .ini files only contain the following reference:
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