hi, so my friends and I are to make this pavilion design for a cultural fest, and this is what we got to do.
I have made attempts in making this organic form, as well as the panelling details, however my PC keeps crashing due to sheer heaviness of the file, which is stalling any progress.
First Attempt; I tried making the form with these metaball contours, but I don’t know a way to convert it into a surface to actually panel on it, so I gave up on that moved to another method.
Second Attempt; Then I tried playing the cocoon plugin, this was promising as I got a mesh, which was something I can panel on, but I’m creating like 100000+ faces and even more edges; which makes it quite literally unworkable.
My goal is to create this organic form; then just simply plugin the panelling I wrote for it, but I think I’m going about it an embarrassingly unoptimized manner, causing all these crashes.
AJIN 600.3dm (53.8 KB)
Organic PaperCup Panelling.gh (49.9 KB)
These are the model files; I don’t know if I’m Forgetting to share any more information that is needed for someone to help me, but any and all help provided would be greatly appreciated.
PS; I’m only a month and a half into gh so please excuse the amateur coding, and use of grasshopper jargons