Rectangular panelization for organic polysurface

Hello everyone,
Good day.

I am looking to generate the rectangular panelization of an organic polysurface.
I would like to generate panels of a particular dimension, preserving a constant grout between them

The most similar example I can find is the Heydar Aliyev facade of Hadid. The panels need to preserve the original polysurface curvature, they cant be planar.

I have been trying to use shape map with lunch box without any success :frowning: .
Is there any method you think could be better suited to generate the panels for this excercise?

Attached is my rhino file + grasshopper definition.
Pavilion roof.3dm (348.7 KB)
Shape Map for (80.4 KB)

Thank you so much.

The Quad Remesh component can be used as a workaround:

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