OpenGL: Noise bumps and environments

Hi @jeff
I am having issues with OpenGL and noise bumps when using environments, they have a different size and handles the light + the mesh very differently.

I’ll send you a dummy file if you need an example. (I’ll have to make a dummy since I can’t send the original, so I’ll only spend the time making one if you need it.)

And here is the same file with bump turned off:

Also as you can see the edge softening is showing “on top” of the overlapping shapes in OpenGL.

Hey Jorgen,

It was discovered almost at the beginning of V6 development that bump mapping was just plain wrong. I won’t go into the details, just know that I was being really stupid on the matter :slight_smile:

That being said, bump mapping as well as reflections with bump mapping is now almost perfect in V6’s display…unfortunately, it required a pretty major change to the shaders and cannot be done in a V5 SR.

So please send me your example and I’ll post the results from V6 to see if the issues still exist.


Hi Jeff,
That’s great! And I look forward to test out V6!

I attached a remodeled part that does not have accurate units so it looks almost the same.
(So feel free to use it for what ever you want.)

dummy_bump.3dm (568.8 KB)