Open Voronoi mesh

Hi everyone,

Grasshopper is an amazing algorithmic tool to mimic the architecture of natural (trabecular) bone. Unfortunately, the structure I created using Voronoi tessellation is not a solid, see the image below.

The goal is to close these gaps by joining the surfaces together (with no naked unjoined edges). I tried the Close Mesh (ClsMsh) component of the Pufferfish plug-in but this only works for certain scenarios. Another approach I had in mind was experimenting with the Mesh+ plugin but I had no luck with this either.

Can you help me find an alternative methods to close the mesh? It is of importance that the components of creating the trabecular structure stays the same.

Best and stay safe,

Sven (19.4 KB)

Doing a subdivision (Weaverbird’s Catmull Clark Subdivision works) before running the Pufferfish command has fixed issues for me in the past.

Hi Felipe,

Thank you for the quick response.
I’m using the Weaverbird’s Catmull-Clark Subdivision in order to smoothen the mesh (with Level set to 2), with the image above as result. However, I still get the warning text from the Pufferfish command that the ‘Mesh hole could not be closed’.

The image below shows the structure before applying Catmull-Clark subdivision. Perhaps you have an creative idea to close the mesh before smoothening?

Before doing the closing do: wbSplitQuads (WeaverBird), then do ClsMsh (Pufferfish)

I now have implemented the wbSplitQuads, followed by the ClsMsh.
Unfortunately, still an open mesh. Increasing the number of subdividing iterations does yields a smoother result but not sufficient enough to decrease the gaps between the fases.
Or do I need to change any other settings? See the Grasshopper file below, for my most recent attempt.

Sven (23.4 KB)