One Click OBJ Export with RhinoCommon

I would be happy to receive tips to make the following possible:

Keyshot is a rendering software that is often used in combination with rhino.
It has a fast and easy to use collaboration with CAD software through plugins.

CAD Software: Modeling —> Keyshot: Visualization:
Edit CAD (Rhino) —> One Click: Update Keyshot Render Scene —> Check Design —> Edit CAD —> One Click: Update Keyshot render scene …

I think Blender 2.8 can be a free and better alternative to keyshot. What’s missing is just a little “Update Geometrie Plugin”

I already create a Addon for Blender to Import OBJ and Update existing Geometry if it exists.
Now i like to create the Plugin for Rhino and would start with exporting the geometry as OBJ with a single click.
(next step is than IPC to blender )

I wish to use the OBJ Export of Rhino, with predefined settings (and path). How can I do that with RhinoCommon?

With this documentation, I got that far:

Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript("_ExportAll", false);

I’m on the right track to make possible?
But how can I set properties (obj, path…) and avoid the Save As window?

Thank you!

Are you aware of the Blender 3dm importer I started writing?

It already knows how to update geometry and materials that have been imported before.

You could write a small operator that looks for file changes, so you can run the importer operator.

No, please let me know more. Can I finde already somewhere? :slight_smile:

The repository is at

And two useful threads on this forum:

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