Since month we use the Old API from ShapeDiver to export documents.
We didn’t have the time to upgrade all our developments to the new API V2.
Since last week, the old API is not working anymore.
Did you stop the old API? How can we continue to use it? (we need more time to be able to upgrade to the V2)
Exemple of API working before last week
POST : https://sdeuc1.eu-central-1.shapediver.com/ticket/12345
"max_wait_time": 10000,
"exports": {
"id": "89a153e1f44c556d17edd87de09e2da1"
"parameters": {
"f7f219f5-f689-427e-8347-e3a46f9da2e2" : true,
"edd673eb-65e8-4ffa-ae97-0e625c46e4ad" : "1",
"fff48e91-f893-4734-95c2-244c33213f16" : "301",
"c3965391-e3ab-47fc-943e-b395a461b2df" : "500",
"f5e35fe4-1e3c-4fbc-9b5c-82a29d930b95" : "1.5",
"d4620a17-e114-4a42-9a97-218a90aeb779" : "27",
"bd44d071-8f5f-49cd-a0a1-02b778210438" : "30",
"3bc2c306-bd31-4967-b141-8226a813de8b" : "27",
"5101238b-d91f-43cb-805f-459535f48458" : "30"
Now the response is
"error": "SdRequestValidationError",
"desc": "Generic request validation error",
"message": "Property 'max_wait_time' is not a valid parameter id"
Thanks for your help