It would be very useful, Thank you!
Hi Bogdan - the Loose settings are never remembered - this follows the original Project>Loose modification where users were unhappy that the setting was remembered, leading to errors, and requested that it always revert to the more accurate version of the command.
Doesn’t make much sense. Now for each curve offset that I do I have to remember to switch to Loose.
Or maybe make an alias… -Offset L
Loose offsets are much more clean than the normal ones, that create hundreds of control points for nothing.
You’re mistaken.
Rhino has a built in bias for accuracy.
When you choose the loose option, the resulting curve is not within the absolute modeling tolerance of the file.
The “hundreds of control points” are needed to keep the new curve within that controlling tolerance.
Im honestly wondering, in terms of workflow, how is it useful to have a curve with 122 points when the inital has 5 ? How do you even use that curve?
Secondly, having Rhino remember a Yes/No option would make everyone happy…
What is the tolerance in that file?
My guess is it’s is way too tight.
It’s useful if you need an exact offset distance everywhere. One can easily see from your image that your loose offset isn’t.
As I see it Offest can deliver two distinct results: One is accurate but hard to edit second is inaccurate but editable. Both have the same level of importance.
Thats why Loose Yes/No should be remembered.
Hi Bogdan - Loose options are never remembered, across the board, because the results are not as accurate, and it is too easy to overlook the setting - Remembering caused problems when the option was introduced in Project. I don’t think it would be helpful to make some Loose options remembered and others not…
Why not make a toolbar button with a macro to set the option how you want it and use that button instead?
In most cases using the “MoveUVN” tool results into a much better loose-like offset, rather than the native Loose option of the “Offset” tool. Simply select the control points of the desired curve or surface and leave the rest to the “MoveUVN” magic.
Ok, thanks everyone for feedback, I understand now better this issue.