Odd things when use Clayoo Bridge tool

When I use bridge tool in Clayoo. They create odd things as picture below:

I used Bridge/ curve. How can I fix it?
Clayoo - Watering Can - FREE Tutorial.3dm (369.6 KB)

Hi @travis.designer.vn,

Thanks for your question. I can’t see the full bridge on the image but seems very slim in the middle, did you recreate the steps in this video? https://youtu.be/F1anocEDtsM?t=496. Maybe the bridge is not aligned between the selected faces.

From now on I recommend you to report those problems to clayoo@gemvision.com because you will get a better support from a specialized team.


Hi @mpcarlos87
Yes, I try replicating this tutorial.
I check Align, it fix problem:

Can you please explain more detail of Align purpose? How it work?

Hi @travis.designer.vn,

It basically helps to align the faces between you want to “bridge”. It could be used to make a twisted bridge intentionally too. Check the help webpage for more information : http://help.tdmsolutions.com/clayoo/2.5/en/Clayoo.html?ClayBridge.html


Thank for your explanation @mpcarlos87