Create organic shapes between lines with Clayoo

I created very quickly, easily and automatically organic shapes between geometric lines through Tspline ( in my example, I selected all the lines, tape _Tspipe and _Tssmooth ).
That is no more the case because I can 't use now Tspline…
I just start with Clayoo but I can’t obtain Something which is as easy as Tspline. I have to select each line and create a smooth connection with the other one…and at the end the result doesn’t look very nice…and it is much longer compare Tspline…I use _claypipe and _claybridge commands…
Do you have any suggestions to help me to manage better organic shape ?
Thanks a lot for your help !

Hi Gwen,
May you post a picture or snapshot of what you are trying to achieve? Maybe I can recommend you a few tools that can help you out. If you also have the result obtained with TS, it would be nice.

I’m sure that we can get a similar or the same result with Clayoo.


Hello Xavi,

Please find the pictures
The first one is a shape of geometric lines

I select all these lines
I tape _tspipe to manage the radius of my pipes
I tape _tssmooth

And I obtain the second shape which suits me perfectly because it is very quick, very easy because automatic and the result suits me perfectly …

And I would like to obtain something similar with an another tool ( because I have no more TSpline tool ) but I have no success to find something which is equivalent
I tried the clayoo tool ( it is the trial version) but I am not sure this tool can really answer to my request …

Thanks for your help !

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Hi Gwen,

Sadly our pipe is not working that good with multiple curves (yet). You can try it, but probably some manual work would be needed.
Another way to get something similar is creating the joins first (where the curves match), and the bridging geometry between (ClayBridge).

Those are the recommended steps, but getting something equal would be hard.


Thanks a lot for your help !