I’m sure you can tell by the terminology in the title that i’m an Autodesk Alias user trying to learn Rhino 3D. I’m looking to see if there is anything similar to the object lister in Alias for Rhino? This is a list of base curves nodes, surface nodes, lights, etc and you are able to pick and organize nodes, layers and groups. Does this exist in Rhino? Rhino has the layer window which show the layers but I can’t see the groups, curves and surfaces in the layer window.
There isn’t such a tool (yet).
An object lister and/or history graph is essential for organised work where also co-workers are involved, having to understand someone else’s model, and should not be too difficult to implement; after all, Rhino keeps a list of all entities in a file.
Even though a tool like this has been available in most serious CAD programs since the very earliest ones, McNeel has ignored repeated requests for it since Rhino 1. I’ve never understood why, but I’ve concluded they’re not interested.
That’s a bummer, if added, it would be a much needed addition and will help with the competitiveness & usefulness of this product. The more I use Rhino is the more I like it but it is just missing a few key elements to make it a truly great program.
I think the real opportunity now is doing something like this that also integrates with Grasshopper. It would be great to then create models manually and have Grasshopper ‘listening’ to the commands and inputs/values/dimensions chosen when creating geometry.
…which requires to call every command by code in exactly the same way as by clicking on the icon. I guess this is quite difficult to implement because many commands rely on mouse input. But not impossible.
It would be so good to have, which could turn Grasshopper into something much more practical.
Specially when you want to use a Rhino architectural scene in Unreal Engine to do walkthrough or VR… In UE 4, the object list looks like this: Object_01,…Object_12335499789. Every single Patch is listed in creation order (I think). Which is quite tedious to sort out.
Is there a Plugin wich can do the job?
There IS no structure to the typical Rhino model for such a list to expose. It’s not history-based, or feature-based, it only has a few commands that support history.