I’ve got some trouble creating a surface between two quarters of circle surface.
Usually, three points are enough to describe a quarter of a circle but when I reduce the surface’s points to three it changes the shape totally.
Okay, just found out when I duplicate the edge and create a loft it is working with three points.
I am still wondering why it does not work the other way…
Hi An - if you are using Rebuild, as it appears, to reduce the points to 3, that is a completely different curve than an arc - arcs are very specific - they are degree 2 in Rhino and an 90 degree arc has the points arranged at ‘90 degrees’ as your image shows. In addition the center point is weighted to .7071 (for 90 degree arcs) whereas Rebuild will weight all points at 1. You can rearrange the points of your rebuilt curve and Weight the middle point to .7071 and you will get an arc. Rebuild will always change the shape of the inputs, by the way - either a little or a lot but it will change (OK, other than a straight line maybe).