Nudge keys move page not curves in Rhino 8

coming from V5 I am finding some wierd things.
I draw a line, then another then select them and use upward arrow key to nudge upowards, but instead the entire view with grid moves instead with the lines not having moved on the grid.

Whats happened to the nudge keys where I had values set for ctrl and arrow, shift and arrow, and just arrow.

To move the view upwards used to be RMB, I see that still does the shove as well.

I also see large circles where before it was small squares for control points.

I google nudge rhino 8 and dont find an answer.


Hi Steve -
The nudge settings are on the Rhino Options -> Modeling Aids -> Nudge page.

Thank you so very much, nightmare over, set now as V5, can nudge the object again not the entire view.
I am going to have to go through properties with V5 and V8 open side by side and make same.
Not sure why default would prefer nudge entire view and not objects and points and so on but there we go. Default made to suit demand, odd and unexpected as such may be.

I wonder how many had to alter it as I just did ?

wry smile icon !
