The forum is a huge wall of bug reports right now, which is to be expected with a brand new release.
However, I wanted to express some praise to the developers. There’s plenty to like about V8, but from a day to day quality of life perspective, It’s hard to beat the new gumball functionality, particularly the “cut” option sitting there along with extrude. And, the most glorious thing just happened. I just cut a closed polysurface by extruding a line… AND IT STAYED CLOSED! I hit undo and did it again just to be sure I didn’t imagine it.
Yes, it’s a simple thing, but it’s something we all do over and over. Before that was extrude curve. Boolean split. Delete whatever you extruded. Cap planar hole. Plus a lot of selecting things in between. Now it’s one click/drag and you’re done.
Well done and thank you!