Notes panel : a few wishes/ideas

Hello, I have a few ideas/wishes for the Notes panel/window which I hope can be considered for implementation:

  1. option to define background and text color, font type and font size.
  2. control background color transparency as well, so the window can float over vport and be see-through
  3. option to make the Notes window “frameless” when floating (basically just background and text with a small “gear” icon and “X” to close the window

thank you,



Hi Jarek - thanks, I guess, apart from the transparency, this can (largely) be handled in the current setup by a block of text on its own layer - is that what you are doing now?

RH-69190 Notes wishes


Hi @Pascal,

I don’t think so - what I am after is being able to see the notes overlaid in the viewport, not on a side panel, for example when working in full screen perspective mode to have them in the upper right corner but not covering the view…

The block of text would not work since it is in 3D space and not screen space.

One idea I had was to ask you for a script, and since it is my Discourse birthday I think it is not out of the line :wink: In the past you had at least several ones that had a display conduit involved (like the ruler script), that we could toggle and change some settings.
Would it be possible to have a script that uses toggleable display conduit to show the content of the Notes panel in current viewport as text in the screenspace, with controllable color and size? (corner alignment would be nice, too but upper right would do for starters).


hmmm - seems possible, yes… I’ll poke at it.


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Perhaps an inelegant solution - and one which I’m sure you may already know, but I sometimes use a Onenote quicknote which does most of what you are asking for apart from transparency and a limited range of background colours. It handily can be pinned to always stay on top or not and has all the typical MS text formatting :slight_smile:

Hi Ben, thanks for the suggestion, it is interesting but I really like the fact that Rhino notes are associated with each Rhino document so that’s why I’d need this managed within Rhino.
No need for fancy text formatting, just color and font size changes. I will look into using OneNote in the meantime, have it over here but never really used it before. thanks again


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Hi @Jarek.

Can you explain what items 2 and 3 are all about? Why is this important to you? Are you trying to capture/print the notes with the document?


– Dale

Hi @Dale,

Thanks for asking - its all about the screen real estate and quick eye-hand coordination - since the Notes panel takes space on screen when docked or floating, and it is just text, compared to more important controls, if we implemented #2 and #3 it could be used as a sort of HUD display in the viewport / on top of viewport, in the corner, not taking dockable space, always visible and also right there where the “modeling action” is.

Since we can control the content of the Notes via script, another advantage of it could be some form of HUD-like view text overlay without going deep into conduit coding.

Hope it makes sense, thanks.


These are the simplest features at the moment.
Photos should also support.

I would also love this function! How did it progress?

I would also use it as a HUP for the user of the script. The best would be to have two “Notes” panels: One ordinary, where the user can write whatever notes needed, and one that is transparent like in this request, being docked at either side of the viewport.