I’ve had a report that some of the Geometry Gym Plugins don’t load in Rhino Inside Revit.
I tried installing ggRhinoRobot from package manager into Rhino8, started Revit 2024.
There is a message about plugin “Not on Trusted Service”.
Thanks for the reply.
There is no remote service involved to my knowledge. Package manager deploys the plugin to the equivalent of C:\Users\JonMirtschin\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\packages\8.0\ggRhinoRobot\
I tried appending the config file as per your instruction, but it change anything.
Can you please try installing the plugin and see if it loads for you?
Sorry, I’ve attached a debugger to the revit instance, and can see the issue is mine.
I’m rebuilding the plugin to resolve this. Thanks for taking time to respond.