Not getting propper section in VA3

Hi @Clayton_Muhleman,

Yes, we have already implemented the integration. I’m still working on the conversion process between Rhino 7 and Rhino 8, but I hope to publish a new Beta this week or next week.

We have tried to make the integration as smooth as possible for both VisualARQ 2 users and Rhino 8 users. Here is a small spoiler:

  • Rhino 8 section styles can be now edited on our “Section Attributes” panel, without having to open a modal dialog
  • Property and category names are equal to new Rhino 8 section styles
  • We have added (and implemented) print width on section boundary. It will only be used in VisualARQ sections and plans because we cannot change how Rhino objects are clipped by Rhino clipping planes.
  • Style editor uses the same interface than in the properties panel.
  • Unfortunately, having each section attribute set to “By Parent” is no longer possible.
