"Issue with Solid Fill in VisualARQ Clipping Plane in Rhino 8:

"Issue with Solid Fill in VisualARQ Clipping Plane in Rhino 8: How to Resolve

I’ve encountered an issue with the clipping plane feature in VisualARQ 3 in rhino 8 where the object fill is not displayed as expected.

Hi @uzairgulndm,

We are still working to support Rhino 8 section styles with VisualARQ objects so, if you need to fill VisualARQ objects sections you will need to do it using section attributes for now: https://youtu.be/QjE66xW-Vig?si=To6s2pnEcloeTYqd


thanks for the solution

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Are you planning to include this in the VA3 release version?


Yes, we are currently working on that.


@Eugen @uzairgulndm we have just published the new VA3 Beta 5 version that includes the merge of R8 section styles with VA Sectio attributes. Your feedback is always welcome!

Section styles in the Properties panel:

Section styles in VA styles dialog:

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thanks for sharing this