These are my settings but the noise does not disappear with GPU
[quote=“jon-vrin, post:1, topic:83102”]
These are my settings but the noise does not disappear with GPU[/quote]
your set up is totally wrong for gpu rendering.
My general advice is: neve touch the default settings unless you know what you are doing…
Use the quality slider if you want to increase quality, but do not go over high quality.
For best quality chenge the settings below:
Render parameters:
- noise limit: 0.005 , I won’t go below that value, never, first try with 0.02 or 0.01 at most.
- Max subdivision: 100 (gpu engine works differently then the cpu one. )
Light cache
- Subdivisions: for interiors raise it to 2000, or even 3000 for really gi intensive scenes.
- sample size: 0.01
Now there is still to understand how you lit the scene and what materials you used, because even these elements can create noise problems.
Re render the scene and let me know… you should have faster render times and almost zero noise.
P.s.: The scene you’re using, it’s mine… I made that for the tutorials of v-ray 3 release
this was my original work.
What is the best way to insert furniture from 3DSMAX to rhino ?please !
@jon-vrin for the residual noise just activate denoiser, and denoise render elements. I suggest to set it at mild.
for importing max models inside rhino…
short answer: You need 3ds max. Open the max file, export as obj or fbx, re create materials inside rhino.
long answer: you have to know how max works, some base knowledge on polygonal modeling, understand how to export a model in parts based on material assignment, and so on.
It is not a 2 minute task.
the easy alternative ( assuming that your max 3d model is perfect, perfect materials, assigned textures, etc. ), using v-ray, is to export your model as vray proxy o better as vrscene.
As vray proxy you export model,with animation andwith assigned a multimaterial, but you need to re create materials one by one…
vrscene exports 3d models , materials, lights and animations, but you can’t edit anything inside rhino, look this for explaination. this is sketchup but the workflow is the same.
thank you
Hi Andrea,
I have some problems with noise and render times at Vray 4. Do you have a hint for a good tutorial?
Hey @Micha !
Judging by what I read, here and on the chaosgroup forum, I seem to notice in you and in other colleagues a certain difficulty in abandoning a workflow and a way of reasoning made of shortcuts and experience of the past, which puts the time to render to first place, which now and in general has been increasingly discouraged by chaosgroup.
I know that time is money, but often in the past more time was lost in optimizing the scene and the subdivision of materials and lights than in designing in 3d and creating beautiful materials and atmospheres.
in the old days render took 8 hours without optimizations, you lost a whole day to optimize, to then have the render in 1 hour … no sense
my only suggestions are the usual boring ones.
don’t mess with the settings, unless you know exactly what you are doing, which may be your case, since you are very experienced, but remember that there are consequences …
always use brute force + light cache
now the irradiance map is the past, chaosgroup seems to have abandoned its development, I believe that soon they could just eliminate it as an option …
the light cache is very important, it is used to calculate the importance sampling, adaptive light and for the adaptive dome light.
In interior renderings it may make sense to bring it to 3000 subs, with a size of 0.01 and a retrace of 4.
Work as physically correct as possible, I refer to materials, natural and artificial lights, the camera etc.
we often complain about long times and change the render engine’s parameters, but in reality the fault lies with the materials and the lights.
if your noise concerns the gpu engine, unlike the cpu render, consider that in gpu the min shading rate is as if it were set to 1 (and as you can see you can’t change it) so the noise is eliminated through noise limit and the max subdivision.
Set the noise to 0.01 (or at most to 0.005) and the max subdivision to 100)
the rest of the noise get rid of it with a bit of denoise.
ne last thing: I love to leave some noise to my renderings, it makes them much more similar to the grain of a real photo;)
that’s all.
@Pitti Thank your for the detailed answer.
For me it was no problem to optimize a scene, since often my projects based on the same scenario - a train or air plane interior. So, I don’t spend time for optimization anymore and my render times was between 15min…30min for a high res interior. I like the IM, since it allowed me to get short render times under tight deadlines.
I understand that BF makes the life easier, but I have the impression, my renderings at Vray4 are not much faster than at Vray3. Best render times I got per BF+LC in GPU mode, but at the GPU mode I miss the GI AO to enhance small details. OK, maybe not photo real, but my clients need the visible small details to discuss the designs. I hope the GI AO will be implement again.
Noise - I have no problem with noise, I like it too, but often it’s not homogeneous like at a real photos. Some areas are easy to sample and noise free and other areas are noisy. Also the denoiser doesn’t work for glass. So, often I have glass divider at my train interiors … . So, the denoiser isn’t really a solution often and I need a low noise level. Maybe postwork denoising will help.
Physical correct materials - how do you handle that white colors needs to be set to 80% for a realistic indirect light transport? At VfR4 we lost the sec engine multiplier to set a limit at 80%. Now we should multiply every color and texture with 0.8. (I will set the option in the visopt file ).
Why do you use min/max subdivs and not the progressive mode without this parameters?
My plan is to invest in GPU power, maybe two GTX2080ti and to go the GPU way.
Because this way you can control quality with only noise limit value.
I always use bucket mode for the final renders, it’s generally faster, maybe the difference is not so evident in gpu mode, i need to make some more tests…
Big news if I have seen right - the denoiser works for glass too, at least for glass sheet at my current test scene. The last hotfix seems to upgrade it.
Today I switched from progressive to bucket mode. I set min/max subdivs at 1/100 and the render time jump down from 22min to 12min (GPU mode). The noise threshold was the same (0.015) and also the output quality. Great result, I will use the bucket mode in the future too.
I hoped to save VRAM per bucket mode, but I havn’t seen a big difference.