hi there i have problem with installing matrix9 in windows
oi install aplication but now when i want to open it there is an eror massage that says: no key found
what can i do please help me
If the error is coming from Matrix; and it sounds like it is, you’ll need to contact Stuller/Gemvision support.
I’m not aware of any error worded like that coming from Rhino.
Perhaps a screenshot would be instructive.
i use cracked version and when i started the program as administrator this message shows up
I’m certainly not going to help you with a cracked version of anything.
I can’t find a Rhino license on your email address either.
I hope you come to your senses and participate legally and honestly.
Good day.
wish you merry christmast
if you were from iran you would know what troubles im facing
thank you anyway
I’m sorry you’re in a difficult situation.
I have several good friends that left Iran in the 1980’s.
I can’t imagine having to make a decision like that.
I can’t support or be party to the theft of software either.
A post was split to a new topic: No key found
please do not ask how to crack software here.
You and anyone participating in such discussion will be will be immediately banned from this forum.