This is a remix of a previous scene (trying to capture the warmth of a Nixie tube)
stunning as always!
Great as always
This type of electronic lamp or tube worked with some shaped thermal elements and was the first samples of indicator screens or monitors in the electronic world.
Thank you for sharing
So, it is an accurate and measured model not an approximate one
Good luck
I am noticing, the moment an image is uploaded to this forum, there is loss of fine detail. I don’t think that was always the case. Something changed.
(I hope, although degradation will apply to this image, it’ll still be possible to see the delta from left to right)
AFAICR the previews have always been lower quality. When you upload larger images you should get a link in the light box to load the original, which still should have all the original detail in.
There used to be an auto-sharpening step. You’d upload an image and within a second the thumbnail would get sharper. I was watching it do it’s thing in the past. On top of that the “original” image is not original; it’s a downsized and jpg-converted version … and … it’s not using Lanczos from the looks of it.
Could be of course something changed in discourse - I don’t really know if anything related to that did.