Newbie Questions

Hi everyone

I’m getting into scripting and have made some python scripts, which work surprisingly well.
Now I wanted to look into creating a Plugin with them, so I can use commands.
I’m working on a mac.

I’m trying to follow these basic instrutions:

I’m running into two issues here. The first one is, that it seems not possible to install the .mpack file in vscode. I can only install .vsix. AM I missing something or is it just not possible anymore with the current version of vscode? (I know vs will be discontinued for mac, but its free… Maybe someone has a recommendation for another IDE, which is also free :slight_smile: )

and the secon issue I have, is that I cannot find the RhinoCommon extension in the extension browser in vscode.


Anyone :slight_smile: ?

@curtisw - is this something you can help with?