Visual studio for Mac alternative

Given that Microsoft is discontinuing Visual Studio for Mac, are there plans to develop RhinoCommon extensions for Visual Studio Code or Rider?

I personally use Rider, and use VSCode now and then quite happily.

But McNeel does have a VSCode Plugin specifically for this.

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I’ve created some new docs for debugging Rhino Plugins in VSCode


Hi @CallumSykes,

Would it be possible to create a C# template command instead of C++ in VSCode?

Hey @AMG . That’s a strange bug. I’ll file a YouTrack.
(here →

For now, you can run the command dotnet new rhinocommand --name MyNewCommand append -lang c# if that still gives you trouble.
Thanks for reporting the bug :slight_smile:

How is the VSCode experience for you? Any other issues?

Thank you.

It’s been working flawlessly. Nice job on this one! :slightly_smiling_face:

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@curtisw is the real MVP on this one, I just doc’d it :slight_smile: