Newbie Muppetry! Fairing a curved string of selected/connected control points

Evening all - A newbie with Rhino 5 for Mac.

I’m playing with a hull for a narrowboat, which is a mesh of interconnected control points. I’ve moved individual control points until I’m happy with the approximate shape, but up close I see many of the points aren’t in the correct position in another dimension, given the steel a dented look - if that makes sense!

I found a video about fairing curves, but my mesh hull doesn’t qualify as a curve, or as anything apparently in the same sense.

What I want to do is select a chain of control points (which themselves no doubt will form a curve), and then fair that curve to take the dents out…

Thanks for looking - if you are kind enough to respond then please go easy with the lingo, I’m an untrained hobbyist :sweat:

Is this something you built yourself or a file you downloaded - just wondering if it really is a mesh. If it is, it might be difficult to smooth in Rhino. Just post a file and someone will take a look.

AM 040116 Hull.3dm (832.6 KB)

Thanks Wim :slight_smile: What does Rhino think it is? Yes, to me (alone) it’s a mesh…

That’s a mesh, all right :wink:
I don’t deal much with meshes in Rhino and I don’t know of a way to fix this one except for careful point editing. You could perhaps draw new curves by snapping to the vertices of the mesh and using these curves to make new surfaces - but reverse engineering like that is not necessarily easy either.

Ahhh, well at least I know that it’s a mesh officially!

Now I can see relevance the “smooth” command

“Select a curve, surface, or mesh to smooth. To smooth a region, turn on control points, and select the control points in the region of the object to smooth. Click the check boxes for the coordinate directions and adjust the Smooth factor. The selected control points will move slightly, smoothing the curve or surface.”

I’ll go and play, see if I can understand what " smooth" wants to do with my control points!

Don’t suppose anyone here is a smoothing expert?

(Shouldn’t think that any of you would ever get into this situation in the first place :slightly_smiling: )
