New WIP version of Flamingo nXt for Rhino 5

We have just posted a new Flamingo that integrates with Rhino 5’s native rendering tools. Please give the new build a try. It is a completely different render interface. It requires you have the current Flamingo nXt installed. Here is the link to the instructions and download:

Click here to download Flamingo nXt 5.0 WIP

I hope you find it works for you,

Scott the link does not work. I got this error:

Sorry, we can’t find that page.

The page you requested doesn’t seem to exist.

The error number is 404.

To spice up cocktail conversation, use error numbers:

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

402 - Payment Required

403 - Forbidden

404 - Not Found

405 - Method Not Allowed

406 - Conflict

410 - Gone

411 - Length Required

417 - Expectation Failed

Thanks for the report… @scottd can you check the link address? The first page loads but the actual download link is a 404.

There is a page there now. We had a bit of a Wiki disaster that deleted the original page.

I’m still getting the error when I click on the link :frowning:
I really love Flamingo nXt and I’m looking forward to trying this new version.

@scottd can you check on this again?

When I downloaded and installed the newer version of Flamingo nXt 5.0, I got a message saying I need a license for Flamingo nXt 5.0 to use it. I do have Flamingo NXT on my system. And the command line say, “Flamingo nXt 5.0 Beta will expire on Tuesday, September 08, 2015” Any advice?